Animal transport
How is animal transport regulated within the EU?
Animal transport is the movement of animals by one or more means (air, road, rail, or sea transport) and it includes all related operations, including loading, unloading, transfer and rest, until the unloading of the animals at the place of destination is completed.
State of play
Current EU regulatory framework is limited to little provisions within Regulation (EU) 1/2005 on cats and dogs and a few basic elements regarding their transportation, namely the age, fitness for transport, and watering and feeding requirements. There are no further species-specific requirements that address all aspects of an animal’s health and welfare when moved, notably for commercial purposes, nor has a relevant EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) opinion on the matter been issued. The legal gap has led to the creation of various standards, but the transport of companion animals keeps taking place in often sub-optimal conditions, depending mostly on the Member State. Due to the lack of detailed, species-specific rules, current regulations cannot guarantee the health and welfare of dogs and cats during transportation. The legal requirements regarding feed and drink, space allowances, temperature, humidity range and journey length are inadequate.