positions, communications, & projects at eu level
Not legally binding, EU institutions have issued positions, communications and initiative projects relevant for CARO
The most important are:
- European Parliament resolution of 12 February 2020 on protecting the EU’s internal market and consumer rights against the negative implications of the illegal trade in companion animals (2019/2814(RSP))
- The Council of the European Union has issued a series of conclusions concerning the health and welfare of companion animals which reflect the need for stronger measures to ensure their protection in Europe such as 2010 Council Conclusions on the welfare of dogs and cats, 2012 Council conclusions on the protection and welfare of animals, and 2019 Council conclusions on animal welfare - an integral part of sustainable animal production.
- The EU Coordinated Control Plan (CCP) on online sales of dogs and cats initiated by the European Commission. The CCP invited all Member States and Switzerland to participate with the goal of gaining insight into possible fraudulent practices, eventually unveiling an elevated level of misconduct in the online pet trade. For detailed information, see the results of the CCP showing the findings of the participating countries as well as the detailed analysis of the results of the CCP.
- The European Commission’s Communication on the new EU Strategy to tackle Organised Crime (2021-2025) recognized the illegal trade in companion animals as a persisting matter with severe implications.